Custard Jellyfish Brains Fiery Haired Sorceresses- Lina watches Gourry while he sleeps

Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/General
Pairing: Gourry/Lina
AU: No

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the plushies . . . MY PLUSHIES!

AN: Pure fluffiness, this is my first slayers fic and yes it is a one shot . . . that is unless someone REVIEWS, asking me to continue it in their REVIEW. Not that I'm pushing anyone to REVIEW, even though I love REVIEWS. This is a redone version of this fanfiction, I plan to make it longer by popular demand, but I must have REVIEWS in order to be able to do so.

        Custard, Jellyfish Brains, and Fiery Haired Sorceresses


The young redheaded sorceress knelt in front of the sleeping blonde figure. Her hand idly running through the silky locks of hair as she closed her eyes, imagining that she could do this while he was awake. She fluttered her eyes open and allowed for a few stray tears to fall from them. Staring out across the camp she saw Zelgadis, his arm somehow placed over towards where Amelia lay, in the same position. Even Xellos had taken to sleeping with the group now, and he and Filia had grudgingly agreed to share a mat. Shaking her head sadly she looked towards her own mat, placed purposely far away from Gourry's. Wiping her eyes she sat up straight and whispered to what she thought was the nighttime sky.

"I can never be what I want to be in front of you. I have to hide my feelings behind a fiery temper and a series of insults that I do not mean . . . well not that much anyway."

Throwing a slight glance downwards and self consciously placed her arms over her chest before going on, spilling out what she had longed to do for so long.

"You called me a kid wen we first met. You promised to protect me forever, and you've kept that promise for so long. Why did you give up what could have been a happy life just to protect me? Do you ever look back and wish? Do you ever wish I were more docile? Are there any regrets Gourry?"

Smiling inwardly she brushed his lips with her fingertips. Remembering all the times they had shared, and how many times she had really been too hard on him"

" Despite your stupid questions, and your inability to communicate I know that you're brave, and strong. But why waste it on me? Is there something you're not telling me?"

She thought of Sylphiel, she had not noticed that she was jealous of the girl's emotional nature until recently, when she found that she could not express her feelings towards Gourry.

"Sylphiel has it much easier then I do. She does not conceal her feelings for you like I must. You've never treated me as anything more then a sister, but then . . . why do I remember the taste of your lips, the warmth of your touch?"

Sitting up she sighed and slumped back towards her own mat, glancing towards the figure once last time, and speaking her nightly words to him, closing her eyes.

"Sleep well now Gourry, my jellyfish for brains. And I'll wake you next morning, and live through another day, beside you."

And so she slipped into her own mat, and closed her eyes and dreamt. And after a few minutes the blonde man sat up and stared down at Lina. His eyes were moist with tears, as he brushed the girl's soft cheek with his thumb. He lent forward and kissing her lips tenderly and embracing her sleeping form he whispered softly, saying what Lina had not been able to for all her large words.

        "I Love You Lina"

AN: How's this guys? Tell me if you like it any better then the previous version! I'm thinking of adding more chapters to this. R&R and tell me what you think, don't forget to leave your email!