Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/Angst
Pairing: Zelgadis/Amelia
AU: No
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except my fingers, and these you cant have
because I need them to type my horrible fanfiction!
AN: I didn't know it would end up so depressing but it did, blame my
boredom and the inability to post up any new chapters of any of my ongoing
stories. If I get a flame it'd better be mediocre because I recently
received a very disturbing flame from someone and it sort of put me on the
emotional side. Anyway, this is from Zelgadis's point of view (Assuming
that Chimeras (I know I didn't spell that right) are immortal of course)
I Miss
It's been one thousand, five hundred long years since she died
The wounds are so fresh in my mind that it seems like it only happened
I miss her smile,
I miss her laugh
I miss her walk,
I miss her voice
I miss the funny way she would reprimand me,
I miss her
And now, thinking back on it, as a stare at this new world that has
developed around me
I wonder what it would have been like to share it with her
But as my Rezo taught me
There is no point in looking back at the past and wishing
Because that is all you'll ever do
I watch Lina and Gourry's descendants
With a certain amount of jealousy I might add
They died so long ago
But their legacy,
Lina's fiery temper, hair and magical skills
Gourry's soft kind-heartedness and swordsmanship
Lives on,
I want a legacy . . .
I await her return,
I know she will come
Like she had time and time again
And I couldn't gather up the courage
To go up and talk to her
To try to remind her of the past
It's so painful looking back
To another time
Another place
And seeing her face, still
It haunts me in my sleep
And while I roam the world
I wish I could share it with her
I wish I knew what she would think of the new trinkets
Of the new fashions and ways of thinking
But mostly, I wish that I could have said it
"I Love You Amelia"
AN: This was written while I couldn't post up any new episodes, and while I
was listening to Suteki Da Ne, which we all know is an incredibly
depressing song and well, what can I say, it got to me? R&R