Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Musical
Pairing: Zelgadis/Amelia
AU: No
Disclaimer: SOMEONE STOLE MY PLUSHIES!!!!! -.- now I don't own anything. ~holds out an empty can~
AN: Another round of fluffiness, this one is a songfic "Mr. Wonderful" by smile.dk On the Dance Dance Revolution 3rd mix soundtrack. (if you want to hear the music to the song that is going to be sung in this fanfiction goto
(if the link doesn't lead you there just copy and paste it into your browser, and no, it's not a download even if it looks like it)
The neon lights, operated by Gourry and Lina, flash on Amelia. Zelgadis is staring dazedly up at the strange person wondering what is going on and why they are wearing a Zelgadis mask/costume.
"Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Oh you're so incredible
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Wonderful to me
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Oh you're irresistible
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
A miracle to me"
Amelia dances around on the stage, a slight sweatdrop on her forehead as she continues to sing her song of love to Zelgadis.
"Hold me
I wanna feel your arms around me
Ooh na na, ooh na na
Kiss me
Cause only you can make me happy
Ooh na na na"
The princess of justice and truth flies off the stage and dances strange circles around Zelgadis, who by now is a very red rock.
"Ooh na na heya heya
Oh! Mr. Zelgadis
Ooh na na heya heya
Are you for real
Oh na na heya heya
It's not impossible
Oh na na heya heya
Oha aha ah""
Lina stood along with Gourry, unenthusiastically throwing paper hearts into the air around Zelgadis and Amelia. The enthusiastic child now blaring it out full blast with the pink microphone
"Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Oh you're so incredible
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Wonderful to me
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Oh you're irresistible
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
A miracle to me"
Zelgadis, by now is frantically looking for a way out of the heart covered circle that the "maniac" is running around him while singing.
"Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Oh you're so incredible
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Wonderful to me
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
Oh you're irresistible
Hey Mr. Zelgadis,
A miracle to me"
Grabbing on tightly to Zelgadis' arm Amelia brings him into some sort of crazy dance. Whimpering he joins the "person" and looks to Gourry and Lina for help, but they are too busy kissing now.
"Ooh na na heya heya
Ooh na na, ooh na na
A miracle to me
Ooh na na heya heya
Ooh na na na
A miracle to me
Ooh na na heya heya
Ooh na na Ooh na na
A miracle to me
Ooh na na heya heya
Ooh na na na
A miracle to me"
Zelgadis finally managed to get away, and out of the twisted cave a few minutes after the song was over and he ran out of the brightly lit cave to find Amelia standing happily in front of him.
" . . . Hello Mr. Zelgadis"
"W-what happened Mr. Zelgadis?"
"Some CRAZY person jumped me and sang to me in that cave!"
"W-w-W-Wait Mr. Zelgadis I think you misunderstood"
"Lina and Gourry were helping that MANIAC"
"But Mr. Zelgadis . . ."
"No time! We have to get away from here!"
"What if it was a song of love?!"
"Whoever sings like THAT can't love me! It was torture"
And with that, Amelia stomped away from Zelgadis, Lina slapped him and then followed after Amelia, leaving Gourry to shake his head and make a "tsk tsk" sound at the surprised Zelgadis, who was just standing there, crying, with a red handprint on either one of his cheeks.
AN: Tee hee! I'm just crazy today ne? R&R!